Model Editor
Model View
Try editing model[0] in the console and watch the html change
- works in most modern browsers
- extremely fast in chrome and others supporting native Object.observe()
- faster and lighter than other 2way binders like knockout, ember, backbone, and angular
- simply bind the two roots : container and model, you don't need a bunch of observe()ations for every little thing
- 2-way core is under 2kb minified
- future-friendly design works now and later
- needs Ch, Sa7, FF, IE11+
- only binds text inputs for now - checkbox, number, and date coming soon
- only one bound html element per model sub-property (only pushes updates out to one html tag, more will be added soon using createEvent)
- outside-added HTML must be re-bound to subscribe
- must use full relative path in mustache templates, no "sections"
- doesn't sync additions and deletions yet (very possible, coming soon)