Mostache - Mo Mustache

What and Why

Mostache has a modest goal: unobtrusively add a few key features to standard mustache templates while changing the original mustache library code as little as possible (~10 meaningful splices).

I love mustache, but I felt it could be slightly easier to feed it JSON without re-inventing the wheel or adding dozens of kilobytes of parsing code and while making sure that Mustache performance (currently great with version 0.7+) doesn't suffer from the modification. As a result, virtually any valid mustache template can be use with mostache, so upgrading is easy. Once you switch from mustache to mostache, you pickup the following features:

New Features


Hover on item for Tooptip of Source Code

Filtering via Globals

  • filter used to escape output: {{|escape}}
  • filters used to escape then base64 output: {{|escape|btoa}}
  • filter used to show random number without data: {{|Math.random}}
  • filter used to show current Date without data: {{|Date}}
  • filter used to show JSON of data: {{numbers|JSON.stringify}}
  • filter used to show formatted JSON of data:
  • .. used to show JSON of current item: {{#contacts.2}} {{..|JSON.stringify}} {{/contacts.2}}
  • filters used to limit a function output (0|1): {{{|Math.random|Math.round}}}
  • filters used to limit a function output (using .method shortcut): {{{|Math.random|.toFixed(3)}}}

Filtering via user-land functions

  • filter used to show min value of data (using expansion methods): min of 1-10= {{numbers|FN.min}}
  • filter used to show max value of data (using expansion methods): max of 1-10= {{numbers|FN.max}}
  • these examples use the FN object, defined below as var FN={ max: Function.apply.bind(Math.max, 0), min: Function.apply.bind(Math.min, 0), time: function(s){return new Date(s).toLocaleTimeString();}, date: function(s){return new Date(s).toLocaleDateString();} }

Filtering via self methods

  • filter used to UPPERCASE a value string (using self shortcut): {{name|.toUpperCase}}
  • filter used to bold a hard-coded string (using self shortcut): {{some text|.bold}}
  • filter used to clone and reverse array (using self shortcuts): {{numbers|.slice|.reverse}}
  • filter used to UPPERCASE a value string (using native method behaviour): {{name.toUpperCase}}

Using eval() for fun and profit

  • filters used to limit a expression via eval: {{{Math.random()*100|eval|Math.floor}}}
  • filter used to make a date pretty: {{new Date()|eval|.toLocaleString}}
  • filter used to overload template with live value via eval: location = {{location|eval}}
  • filter used to overload template with expression via eval: 123 * 456 = {{ 123 * 456 |eval}}

New mini-tag features

  • separators used to build a CSV 1-10: {{#numbers}} {{.}}{SEP}, {/SEP}{{/numbers}}
  • INDEX used to spy on a an [a,b,c] array: {{#abc}} {INDEX}={{.}} {{/abc}}

Less-Known Mustache Tricks

  • dot used to show 1-10 (mustache native): {{#numbers}} {{.}} {{/numbers}}
  • length used to show item count of 1-10 array (mustache native): numbers has {{numbers.length}} items.
  • dots used to reach numerical index of Array (mustache native): contact 2's name is "{{contacts.2.first}}"
  • parent scope from a sub-object (mustache native): {{#contacts.2}} {{name}} {{/contacts.2}}
  • parent scope from a conflicting sub-object property (mustache native): {{#contacts.2}} {{contacts.1.first}} - {{first}} {{abc}} {{/contacts.2}}
  • white-space preservation (mustache native):


The example data used in the above demos:


The file is hosted in dan's JS archive. view it here, or download it here.