- WeakMaps
A firefox-compatible WeakMaps (associative arrays) implimentation for all browsers.
danml.com/js/weakmaps.js - 2k -
- Set
A firefox-compatible Set (generic collections) implimentation for all browsers.
danml.com/js/set.js - 1k -
- ES6 String Methods
Adds "".contains(), "".endsWith(), and "".startsWith() methods to any browser.
danml.com/js/es6string.js - 1k -
- Tiny DOM Lib
Provides getById [id], [tags], querySelectors [q], array casting, and bind capabilities
danml.com/js/tinydom.js - 1k -
- FileName
Gets the filename of the active script (must be defined in script to be detected)
danml.com/js/filename.js - 1k -
- CSV Parser
Strong-typed parser for string of CSV format data, like from Excel.
danml.com/js/csvparser.js - 1k -
- Option Parser
Like YAML, a simple way to code/pass nested options objects from human-readable indented strings
danml.com/js/options.js - 2k -
- JS Nodes
A way to build XML/HTML using native JS methods to append and manipulate "tags"
danml.com/js/jsnodes.js - 3k -
- getpage
Grabs info from another page using ajax via a url and some simple to/from CSS selectors.
danml.com/js/getpage.js - 1k -
- Format
String formatting as proposed for ES6 by Doug Crockford.
danml.com/js/format.js - 0.8k -
- enum
A simple but fail-safe (READ-ONLY) Enumeration maker for JS.
danml.com/js/enum.js - 1k -
- merge
Adds 5 helper mthods onto Object: merge, update, common, without, and mutual.
danml.com/js/merge.js - 1k -
- oQuery
use CSS3 attrib selectors on deep Objects. Great for searching and looping though json.
danml.com/js/oQuery.js - 4k -
- range
Provides the boolean filter function Range(), and the mutli-range multi-response Ranges() function.
danml.com/js/range.js - 1k -
- Lambda
A simple way to turn functions into uncalled expressions.
danml.com/js/lambda.js - 1k -
- Series
A simple way to run an array of functions in series or parallel using callbacks.
danml.com/js/series.js - 1k -
- localStorage2
expanded javascript string storage with a simple interface that abstracts built-in webSQL or IndexedDB technologies.
danml.com/js/localstorage2.js - 18k -
- strongbox
a strong-typed interface to localStorage, allowing non-JSON values like null, functions, Dates, RegExps, and Elements.
danml.com/js/strongbox.js - 3k -
- blackbox recorder
provides an object that contains extensive client machine info about performance, plugins, browser settings, the active page, etc.
danml.com/js/blackbox.js - 4k -
- razr templates
Clean templating with @keyword syntax and the inverted FOR command that iterates values instead of keys.
danml.com/js/razr.js - 1k -
- adlib templates
A powerful templater built for processing and displaying deep data structures with minimal code.
danml.com/js/adlib.js - 4k -
- taglr - JSON from XML Attribs
A fast simple manner of grabbing an object of attribs from a string of XML
danml.com/js/taglr.js - 4k -
- Crumbs
High-performance change logging. plays nice with other storage solutions. tracks when and what changes. Applications: revisioning, logging, debugging, and gaming.
danml.com/js/crumbs.js - 2k -