veneer-route is a declarative HTML-based router for true single page navigation.
The route tag enables single-page apps to use bookmarks, back/forward navigation, provides equivalents to onload() and onbeforeunload() events, enables wildcard route matching, auto-refreshes templates, and more. View this page's source to see how easy veneer-route is to integrate into any project.
Reloading pages is slow, but switching urls is good. The problem with doing it all client-side is that there is not a straight-forward way to provide those features with the simplicity of a server. As a result, virtually all client-side routers and "history managers" require custom javascript in a proprietary format to re-describe what the html A tag was designed for. veneer-route allows managers, designers, and anyone familiar with HTML to create a blazing fast single-load user experience, without the constraints of a framework or hand-wiring simple connections.
Use normal anchor tags to link to logical url fragments Contact Us
Tie html containers of content to urls with route attributes
Coming Soon!
Add the veneer script tag and a veneer-route tag to the page <veneer-route></veneer-route>
<script src="/veneer/lib/veneer.full.min.js"></script>
Brush up the content, enhance the UX, or tweak the CSS, that's it.
Router Features
[features section, page name starts with "u" header]
Main Features
Hash-based client side routing with working back/forward buttons and bookmarking
Uses route attribute to associate a particular HTML tag with a route
Simple static route configuration or advanced partial-url matching via RegExp
Injects route meta into BODY tag for CSS-based section/page customization
Event-driven core responds to a full compliment of client-side actions and conditions
Parses GET-style parameters on hash fragments (#internal/employees/lookup?name=fred&age=21)
Unique Features
Fully declarative HTML config, no custom JavaScript required
Multiple Route Matching - Display many fragments from one url, not just full pages
Can work without JavaScript, albeit in a very limited manner that only shows/hides exact route matches (disable js to preview)
document.title updating based on link text or another property
HTML body tag attrib population for easy CSS integration ([data-nav-page], [data-nav-section], [data-nav-sub], [data-nav-path] )
Temporary body tag attrib for indicating navigation changes [data-navigating]
Built in 404 error handling for missing routes
JSON-compatible history tracks meta, duration, scroll position, referring link, and more for predictive caching, analytics, custom undo via back, auto-UI-customization, etc
Toggles classes on anchors linking to the current route
Auto re-renders visible veneer-mustache templates for up-to-the-minute views
Events - alternatives for load, hashchange, and beforeunload, as well as novel route and leave events on matched sections
Event object properties
href: "", // full full url
url: "search?name=fred&age=29", // full hash url
argv: [ // array non-null hash path segments
query: { // queryString parameters as a JS object
name: "fred",
age: 29 // numbers are parsed, all other types are strings
section: "search",// the root section
page: null, // a page in a section
sub: null, // a sub-section in a page
path: "search",// hash path
date: 1413326261696, // date stamp as number
oldURL: "features", // hash path of last visit (called oldURL to mimic W3 hashchange event args)
ref: "search" // hash URL of active link tag (how you got here)
pos: 123, // vertical scroll position of browser at time of event
dur: 11.12 // route visit duration in seconds
Navigation raises many events in different places
fires on a tag with a [route] that is becoming active, like onload() - demo
fires on a tag with a [route] that is becoming in-active, like onunload() - demo
fires on window and the veneer-router tag whenever a route is activated, like onhashchange() - see console for demo
an attrib-based event (aka inline) that fires when the tag is becoming active - demo
an attrib-based event (aka inline) that fires when the tag is becoming inactive, like onbeforeunload() - demo. Returning false cancels navigation. - demo
fires on a nav anchor (nav a, #nav a, .nav a) when it becomes active by having its linked route activate. - demo powers yellow nav link highlight
onroutedemo routedemo
This is an unload demo, so now go .
This is an unload demo, so now go .
Integrated history makes it easy to batch-register activity with existing analytic APIs.
ago @{{path}} , from [{{oldURL}}] for {{dur|veneer.hms}}
Remote Data Example - Choose State to See Largest Counties
This example just displays the query parameters, see the remote content demo for a front end / back end integration.
GET params are available to templates:
{{}} is {{query.age}} years old.
url: {{url}}
path: {{path}}
time: {{date||.toLocaleTimeString}}
onunload() behaviour via onleave attrib
Fill input and navigate away to demo onleave handler favorite color:
navigated here {{|Date}} Oops, we can't show the page at {{url}} Back to DemosVeneer Home